I was waking the dogs early this morning and reflecting on how many people manage a “Hello”, or “good morning”. I know there are good reasons for this….As a group, dog walkers are above average at acknowledging the presence of another human. Then Brenè Brown’s term The Wholehearted came into my mind.
According to Brenè the wholehearted are characterised by 10 things: Cultivating Authenticity: Letting Go of What People Think; Self-Compassion (easily as important as the previous one); Gratitude Cultivating Intuition and Trusting Faith: Letting Go of the Need for Certainty; Cultivating Creativity: Letting Go of Comparison; Cultivating Play and Rest; Cultivating Calm and Stillness; Cultivating Meaningful Work: Cultivating Laughter, Song, and Dance.
Other underrated qualities in people I like are: showing up, being reliable, giving a nice hello, giving a hug, paying attention, noticing, and the ability to be still.