Over 100 million people use Homeopathy in India – over 400,000 practitioners, 13,000 Homeopathic Dr’s qualify every year

Homeopathy as a reliable means of treatment is gaining ground in India since it is safe and builds on the goodness of zero-side-effect. Read more

According to a recent AC Nielson survey, while 62 per cent of the current homeopathy users have never tried allopathy, 82 per cent of homeopathy users would not switch to conventional treatments.

Critical report on homeopathy called into question

Critical report on homeopathy called into question

A new website has been launched that questions the conclusions of the House of Commons Science and Technology (S&T) committee’s “evidence check” report on homeopathy. For journalists and public alike www.homeopathyevidencecheck.org offers an opportunity to fully understand the nature of this controversial report and to reach a more balanced conclusion.

Good medicine: homeopathy

It is truly remarkable the level of ignorance involved in this debate, with critics of homeopathy showing their true love of mediocrity, conformism and brain-dead enforcement of orthodoxy (dogma) – with enthusiasm that would make an Inquisitor blush. Read More

Medicines Act Latest News

Medicines Act 2012 – latest news.

Many thanks to all of you who have taken action over the potential threat to the existing supply routes of homeopathic medicines in the UK. The good news is that representatives from the profession have met with the Department of Health and MHRA and have been assured that the authorities continue to be in favour of patient choice and access to homeopathic medicines as it currently stands, and recognise the potential impact to patients, practitioners and homeopathic pharmacies of any changes to the way the act is enforced. Public consultation MLX 375: Consolidation and review of UK medicines legislation.

There is still much work to do in improving the provision for access of homeopathy to all of the UK population. You can help! Please click here to tell your story of how you consider homeopathy to have helped you.

Top International Footballers use Homeopathy

A study just published on how German soccer docs treat aches and pains has revealed that Germany’s faith is in “homeopathic doping.”

The presumably objective study was carried out by an academic institute in Koblenz at the behest of a leading manufacturer of homeopathic remedies. It found that 92 percent of doctors who work for the Bundesliga’s first and second division sides prescribed such cures.
